Monday, August 10, 2009

Six Essential Factors for Brewing Good Tea 5


One Tea One World, One Pot One Universe;
In One’s Palm move the Heaven and Earth,
With the delicate fragrance heart is contented.

Choice of Tea Ware

The material or texture of teapot plays a big role towards how well the tea will be brewed. There are different kinds of tea ware such as teapot, Gaiwan, and cups. Materials can be ceramic, porcelain and glass.

1) Ceramic tea ware

The most famous being the “Zhi Sha”, or purple clay teapot, this type of ceramic is fired between the temperatures of 1000 to 1200 degrees Celsius. With the texture being delicate, fine and dense, the teapot can absorb tea, store and maintain the flavor with pores not detectable by the eye. Heat transfer is very slow and does not hurt the hand. Even if hot and cold temperatures change abruptly, it will not break easily. Using the Zhi Sha teapot to brew tea, the pot can keep the warmth of tea, maintain the fragrant, mellow taste, and sustain the essence of the tea leaves. It is also artistic and popular among collectors and the public. Generally, using the teapot for Oolong and Tikuanyin tea from Taiwan is considered ideal to bring out the best characteristics of those teas.

2) Porcelain tea ware

The most valuable ones being the white ones, porcelain is not water absorbent, and it is fired at about 1300 degrees Celsius. The sound that it makes is pure, clear, long and harmonious. It can reflect the color of the tea, transmit heat and maintain the temperature well. It does not create any chemical reaction, does not absorb strange aroma, and produces better color, fragrance, and taste with high density and no pores. The shape is artistic, delicate and exquisite, and is suitable for light fermented tea with rich aroma such as Wenshan Paochong tea.

3). Glass tea ware

The texture of glass is transparent, nonporous, and it transmits heat quickly. Brewing tea with glass, the way that the tea leaves dance and unfold along with the color of the tea can be thoroughly seen through glass. The weakness of glass though is that it breaks easily, and sometimes becomes too hot for the hand to handle, but it is rather inexpensive. Using this tea ware to brew Longjing, Piluochun, and other green tea, you will be delighted to see how the leaves dance up and down, elegantly and gracefully.





1. 陶土茶具

最負盛名的紫砂壺是陶器的一種,成陶火溫度在1000 ~ 1200°C,質地緻密,有肉眼看不見的毛細孔,能吸附茶汁,蘊蓄茶味,且傳熱慢不燙手,即使冷熱驟變,也不會破裂;用紫砂壺泡茶,香味醇和、保溫性好、無熟湯味,能保有茶葉真髓,又兼具藝術收藏性,一般認為用來泡台灣的烏龍茶,鐵觀音等半發酵茶最能展現茶味特色。

2. 瓷器茶具


3. 玻璃茶具


1 comment:

  1. I didn't know glass was recommended for green tea or that the porcelain might work well for lighter-oxidized teas. It does seem fitting that I use mostly Yi Xing teaware because I prefer the deep-roasted Oolongs. --Jason
