Thursday, August 6, 2009

Six Essential Factors for Brewing Good Tea 4


One Tea One World, One Pot One Universe;
In One’s Palm move the Heaven and Earth,
With the delicate fragrance heart is contented.

Water Temperature

As standard when making tea, water temperature should be 100° C in order to allow the characteristics of the tea leaves to unfold thoroughly, as well as eliminating germs. Steeping time depends on the type of tea. Generally, leaves that are greener, thinner, more tender or even lighter in roasting and fermentation should not be steeped for too long otherwise the tea will turn bitter. Lower temperature can also be used to brew green tea, but tea leaves shaped like tight knots such as Dong Ding Oolong, Tikuanyin, or aged tea should use a higher boiling temperature with the smoke from the water boiling device appearing almost vertical.

Choice of Tea Ware

Aside from good tea and good water, there must be suitable tea ware to make tea. The texture of the teapot also plays a major role in making good tea.

Seven criteria for selecting a good teapot:

1. The way that the water flows from the teapot spout should be easy and smooth, with no splash, and no scattered water.

2. The lid must fit well with the body of the teapot. The mouth of the spout and the opening on the body should be on the same level. The body of the teapot should be shallow and not deep, the lid should be tight and not loose.

3. There should be no mud or soil taste, and no mixed tastes.

4. The teapot should withstand sudden and abrupt changes of hot and cold temperatures. It should not leak and should not be brittle.

5. The material or texture of teapot should be in harmony with the type of tea being brewed and should be able to thoroughly express the characteristics of that specific type of tea.

6. It should be convenient to place tea leaves in and has enough water capacity.

7. It should be able to sustain heat after brewing and not dissipate heat too quickly. It should let out the content of tea in a short period of time.










1. 壺嘴的出水要流暢,不濺水花。

2. 壺蓋與壺身要密合,水壺口與出水的嘴要在同一水平面上。壺身宜淺不宜深,壺蓋宜緊不宜鬆。

3. 無泥味、雜味。

4. 能適應冷熱急遽之變化,不滲漏,不易破裂。

5. 質地能配合所沖泡茶葉之種類,將茶之特色發揮得淋漓盡致。

6. 方便置入茶葉,容水量足夠。

7. 泡後茶湯能夠保溫,不會散熱太快,能讓茶葉成份在短時間內合宜浸出。

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry. I am a big fan and a dedicated customer but I disagree. Water tempreature cannot be as high as 100 C (=212 F, i.e., the boiling point), not even for Taiwanese oolong teas. I would suggest to keep the water tempertature white-boil or below, even for Yunnan teas or for tight-rolled Taiwanese oolongs, and even lower for other oolongs.
