Monday, March 8, 2010

Tea Tasting 03/12-03/14

Experience the unique aroma of aged tea
~ YiWu 100/500/1000 Year Old Ancient Tea Tree Puerh Tea ~

YiWu is an ancient tea mountain in the Yunnan province of China. Historically, it was a center of tea distribution. The area is well-known for its abundance of wild old tea trees, with some over a thousand years old. Puerh Tea made from these tea trees have a unique aroma that is very different from modern ones which are picked from tea bushes planted by tea farmers. The energy, or chi, of the tea also varies based on the difference in aging.

Fang Gourmet Tea is proud to present tea lovers Puerh Tea from three different age ranges of tea trees: 100 to 300 years old, 500 to 800 years old, and over 1,000 years old. Puerh Tea that are truly picked and made from the aged trees is pure in taste, vivid in its aroma with evident tea energy. The tea is like a wise old man from ancient time in the deep forest, presenting a transformed tranquility through the test of times.

Fang Gourmet Tea is also offering tea lovers a chance to experience Lei Cha, a well-known natural, eco-friendly, and well-being tea from Taiwan. Schools and educational, cultural organizations are welcome to contact Fang Gourmet Tea to arrange special tour for the event to explore the beauty of Asian tea tasting, Asian tea ware and the tranquility of Asian tea culture.

For more information, please contact:

Fang Gourmet Tea, 1-888-888-0216;
135-25 Roosevelt Ave., Flushing, NY 11354.


易武為雲南省古老的茶山, 在歷史上曾是茶葉的集散中心, 其茶區有許多野生古茶樹, 其樹齡更有超過千年以上的. 採摘自古茶樹所製成的普洱茶, 其味道與現代的人工栽種型灌木茶有很大的不同, 其茶氣也因不同樹齡而各有其特色.

本次芳茗軒品茶會特別推出三種不同樹齡的普洱茶讓茶友們品飲, 有100300年、500800年及1000年以上樹齡的特殊普洱茶, 真正採摘自古樹製成的普洱茶, 其味道純淨、茶氣明顯, 就像原始森林中來自遠古的老者, 歷經歲月的焠煉, 脫胎換骨後呈現的超然神靜。

品茶會現場並有受到熱烈歡迎的陶藝教室,讓各年齡的訪客繪製自己的專屬茶杯,以及自己動手作客家養身茶--擂茶。活動還備有試茶席供茶友飲茶, 也特別提供茶桌、茶具讓茶友可自己邀請三五好友現場享受泡茶、品茶的樂趣。茶友們可以依照個人的喜好參與不同的品茶活動。


聯絡請洽 1-888-888-0216;
芳茗軒總店地址 135-25 Roosevelt Ave., Flushing, NY 11354.

活動時間 / Time:
2010.03/12 ~ 03/14

活動地點 / Location:
Sheraton La Guardia East Hotel, 法拉盛喜來登酒店
Garnet room
135-20 39thAve. Flushing, NY 11354
-- Map (地圖)
-- Experience the unique aroma of aged tea; enjoy YiWu 100/500/1000 Year Old Ancient Tea Tree Puerh Tea

-- Enjoy the fun of grounding your own Lei Cha, another well-known well-being tea from Taiwan.

-- Pottery workshop: Experience firsthand the joy of creating wheel-thrown pottery and glazing porcelain tea cups.

-- Tea tasting and sampling.

-- Showcase of tea culture and imported Asian tea-ware.

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