Monday, November 23, 2009

Tea Tasting 11/27 - 11/29


懷古之情 - 普洱茶

千年的傳承, 別具一格的工序, 加上越陳越香的特質, 都讓普洱茶令人嚮往. 請到芳茗軒品茶會一嘗究竟, 讓我們為您細訴種種普洱的分別.

Nostalgic Sensation - Puerh Tea

Thousands of years of heritage, unique procedure of processing, plus the uncanny characteristic of becoming better with age, makes puerh tea even more attractive and fascinating to look forward to. Please come to Fang Gourmet Tea's next tea tasting events to explore the difference of the various kind of Puerh Tea.

活動時間 / Time:
2009.11/27 ~ 11/29

活動地點 / Location:
Sheraton La Guardia East Hotel, 法拉盛喜來登酒店
Garnet room(地下一樓)
135-20 39thAve. Flushing, NY 11354 -- Map (地圖)

本次活動還備有試茶席供茶友飲茶, 也特別提供茶桌、茶具讓茶友可自己邀請三五好友現場享受泡茶、品茶的樂趣. 茶友們可以依照個人的喜好參與下列不同的品茶活動:

At this event, we are also offering tea lovers the chance to taste some of our tea. We are also providing you with the opportunity to brew your own tea by supplying the necessary tea ware and tea of your choice. Invite a few friends and share with them the joy of drinking good tea. Tea lovers may pick and choose one of the following programs to participate at the tasting:

A. 試茶
1. 每茶樣3泡收費$5(茶友会会员$3)

A. Tea Sampling
1. Three brews for each kind of tea, $5(or $3 for tea club member) per tea ticket

B. 品茶
1. 客人任選茶樣
2. 每半小時 每人收費$15起(茶友会会员$10起)
3. 附贈茶食1

B. Tea Tasting
1. Tea of your choice
2. $15 and up* per person for 30 minutes (or $10 and up* for tea club member)
3. One type of tea delicacy is included

C. 茶旅
1. 依專題配置3種茶樣
2. 一個半小時 每人收費$50(茶友会会员$40)
3. 由高級茶師服務
4. 附贈茶食2

C. Tea Journey
1. Three types of tea selected based on the theme
2. $50 for one and a half hours per person (or $40 for tea club member)
3. Served by advanced tea instructors
4. Two types of tea delicacies are included

D. 自泡席
1. 客人任選茶樣
2. 每茶樣每半小時 每席收費$15 (茶道班學員$10)

D. Self Brewing Tea Tables
1. Tea of your choice
2. $15 per table for 30 minutes with one type of tea ($10 for tea class student)

* 限量茶種
稀有品種 只品不賣 $20 ($15茶友会会员)

老茶$25 ($20茶友会会员)

* For tea with limited quantity Scarce variety available for tasting only and not for sale $20 ($15 for tea club members)

Aged Tea $25 ($20 for tea club members)

Store Location:
135-25 Roosevelt Ave. Flushing, NY 11354

Toll Free:888 -888- 0216

1 comment:

  1. Ah, Puerh. My favorite kind of tea. Just an amazing tea to get to know and take a lifetime romancing.
